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Entertainment Online Zone-The Best in Online Entertainment. Bookmark now! Press ctrl+D Welcome to THE Entertainment Online Zone! ( This site was launched on January 21st 2001 by Tharun Zacharia (me). It was created in England.

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An English schoolteacher was looking for rooms in Switzerland. She called upon the local schoolmaster to help her find an apartment that would be suitable. Such rooms were found and she returned to London for her belongings. She remembered she had not noticed a bathroom, or as she called it a, "water closet." She wrote to the schoolmaster and inquired if there was a "W.C", in or near the apartment.

The schoolmaster, not knowing the English expression was puzzled by the "W.C", never dreamed that she was talking about a bathroom. He finally sought advice from the parish priest. They concluded that she must mean a Wayside Chapel. The lady received the following letter a few days later.

Dear Madam:

The W.C is located 9 miles from the house, in the heart of a beautiful grove of trees. It will seat 150 people at one time, and is open on Tuesday, Thursday and Sundays.

Some people bring their lunch and make a day of it. On Thursdays there is an organ accompaniment. The acoustics are very good. The slightest sound can be heard by everyone. It may interest you to know that my daughter met her husband at the W.C. We are now in the process of taking donations to purchase plush seats as our present seats have holes in them.

My wife being rather delicate hasn't been able to attend regularly. It has been six months since she last went. Naturally, it pains her not to go more often.

I will close now in the desire to accommodate you in every way possible, and will be happy to save you a seat either down front or near the door, as you prefer.

Yours sincerely,

The Schoolmaster

Reading Japanese is easiest when you tilt your head RiddlesJokes about Skeletons

Why doesn't a skeleton play music in a church?
Ans: Because it has no organs!

What does a skeleton orders at a restaurant?
Ans: Spare ribs!!!

What did the skelton say when his brother told a lie?
Ans: You can't fool me, I can see right through you.

Why didn't the skeleton eat the cafeteria food? Ans: Because he didn't have the stomach for it!

What did the skeleton order at the restaurant?
Ans: A glass of coke and a mop.

Why did the skeleton cross the road?
Ans: The chicken was on vacation.

Why didn't the skeleton go to the ball?
Ans: Because he had "no body" to go with!

Why did the skelton laugh so hard?
Ans: Because he has funny bones!

What did the skeleton say while riding his Harley? Ans: I'm bone to be wild!

Why wouldn't the skeleton cross the road?
Ans: He didn't have the guts.

What is a skeletons favorite instrument?
Ans: A Trom-Bone

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